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On Wednesday, September 25, the school district will send TEST emergency messages via email, text message, and automated phone call.
The State of Alaska has released the spring 2024 results for the AK STAR and Alaska Science Assessments.
The annual school district surplus auction is this Saturday, September 7!
Live auction at the FNSBSD Central Warehouse, 1300 Minnie St, starting at 11 a.m.
North Star News–a monthly newsletter provided to keep families and staff informed and engaged with their district.
The Fairbanks North Star Borough School District (FNSBSD) has launched ParentSquare—a simple and unified school-to-home communication platform—to reach and engage every parent, helping ensure all parents have the opportunity to actively participate in their children’s education. ParentSquare is now available for staff and parents to use on their computers or mobile devices.
Students will learn basic bus rules and ride around our parking lot loop. This is great for new students to our school or new to riding the bus.